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  • Over view of the Lord of the Flies about the beast and feelings


    Essays1 Literature

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ID number:807302
Published: 20.11.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

In the novel "Lord of the Flies," by William Golding, there are significant parts, and issues that pay key roles in the kid's eyes. The beast, darkness, and the dead parachutist, represent fear in the eyes and souls of the kids.
The darkness is a fearful part in the novel, it makes the boys scared. "Aren't there any grown ups?" all of the boys are used to having there parents right beside them. They get even more scared at night when they know that there parents aren't the be with them, and comfort them. "Simon put his hand out timidly to touch Ralph" Not only are the little boys scared th…

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