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ID number:100219
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Oscar Howe was a Yanktonai Sioux Indian, born on the Crow Creek Reservation in South Dakota in 1915. Howe attended the Prierre Indian School until he reached 18-years of age. Then he went to the Santa Fe Indian School to finish his high-school career. While in high-school, Howe was already doing exceptional work following the studio style of art. He had exhibits state wide from New York City to San Francisco and abroad in London and in Paris.
Oscar Howe spent a few years teaching art, at the same school he had attended during his childhood, before he enlisted into the United States Armed Forces. During World War II he was stationed in Europe for four years. In Europe is were Howe experienced a new style of art that later became a major influence in his work.

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