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  • Operations Management as a Source of Competitive Advantage


    Essays6 Management

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ID number:338391
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Cambrian need to establish new relationships with other suppliers so they can also compete on the grounds of cost. The single competitive strategy they are currently employing is working (turnover up 30% since takeover in June) but with the advantage of cost over their competitors, Turnover would increase again.
Just having the competitive advantage of quality is not enough, in such a crowded market place.
With the research and completion of this assignment, it has become apparent to the author how important Operations management really is. Today's consumer is no longer reliant on any one organisation to fulfil his/her needs. In the majority of markets they are now spoilt for choice and being customer-focused is an essential strategy for organisations. The organisation must supply the consumer with quality products at competitive prices. The organisational manager has many tools available to him to help these objectives. Few of which are discussed in the above assignment.
Cambrian was a good source of reference as they are efficient in gaining a competitive advantage through organisational strategy and the use of technology.

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