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  • My Life as a Lilliputian: a creative story about a girl dreaming that she was 3 inches tall and went through an unforgetable adventure.


    Essays1 Literature

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ID number:832801
Published: 24.09.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

One bright sunny morning, as I was about to wake up for school: I found myself lying on humongous pillow. My vision was still blurry and all I can see is an enormous hairy monster in front of me. Before I can scream, the monster had stick out its tongue and licked me. I got soaking wet and almost drowned in its drool. I am now fully awake and realized that the monster is my dog, Toby. I thought that I was dreaming, because Toby and everything else in my room was hundred times bigger than me. I closed my eyes and pinched myself hoping that by the time I opened my eyes, things would be back…

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