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ID number:258051
Published: 13.05.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, was born in the city of Makkah around 570. He was orphaned at an early age and his uncle raised him. As a teen he worked as a caravan leader on a trade route. Khadija, his employer, took notice to his honesty and ability as an employer of hers. She promoted the teenage Muhammad to become in charge of all business affairs. Khadija proposed to him at age 25.
After his marriage to Khadija, Muhammad was free from all financial worries and had plenty of time to reflect on the meaning of life. Muhammad began to be trouble because of all the greedy wealthy people, people worshiping idols, and people mistreating the poor. It is said that Muhammad experienced a revelation while spending time alone in a cave outside Makkah. He spent time praying and fasting there. …

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