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  • Modern Political Theories. Post-Marxism and Critical Theory


    Essays2 Politics

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ID number:719238
Published: 07.01.2003.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

One of most popular schools established in early 20.century was Frankfurt school. Theorysts of this school was radically left, theyr researches was based on Marxist ideology. This psycho- analyst theory started in 1923. and practically ended in 1960.
Formed in Frankfurt University by german jews, however they critisized any ideas of jewish nationalism. Nazi germans critisized this school as jewish school, because there were jewish experience, but they don’t argue this meaning as majority.
There are large influence of Freuds ideology, Frankfurt schollar ideas were based on Freuds psycho analysys and also Marxism.
They believe that working class should revolt against capitalism. Theyr meanings about this system was destroyed when hitler established nazism and working class solidarized with him. One of most popular Frankfurt schollars Adorno explained that it is because of Popular Culture (dominant class theory). Popular Culture make working class passive (bureaucracy make people stupid).

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