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ID number:803476
Published: 01.04.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

When Adolph Hitler came into power, he wanted to abolish democracy, expand his territory, and eliminate the entire Jewish race (Hitler, Adolph (1927). Mien Kampf (Ralph Manheim, trans.). He believed in one race and one nation, which is known as nationalism. Hitler had begun his political conquest by taking over and Germanizing the surrounding stated and incorporating them into Germany. But as soon as he invaded Poland, the war had begun because of the treaty Poland had with England.
Hitler presented himself through the nazi propaganda that he tried to live a life of simplicity. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Even though Hitler never had a bank account, he was self-indulgent and enjoyed the life of luxuries that his influence commanded (Pool, James (1997) Hitler and His Secret Partners). Because of the nazi press, Hitler was able to create such an image that it kept the nation focused on him. This image was the key that helped him advance his political agenda.

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