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ID number:171630
Published: 15.01.1997.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

In this way the government pays more attention to the elderly as compared to the young. They will care more about the trials and tribulations of the rich and middle-class rather than the suffering of the poor. They will support the N.R.A. with it s sinful operations because yes, each and every one of their 2.5 million members vote. The vote determines who has the power in this country. It is not necessarily the majority. It is those who are dedicated.
America is the land of the free. Too many Americans take this for granted. We are not a monarchy. We are not a communism. We are not a dictatorship. We are a democracy and the people have the control. We are different from all the other types of government because the voices that govern us are our own. But when 250 million do not vote, who has the right to say that we control ourselves? When half chooses to hold their mouths, who is to say that we are not a nation of special interests who do not hold their mouths? We have freedom, but it is apathy that is taking it away from us. We have that control we simply don't use it.

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