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  • Life in England and France in the 14th Century Was Full of Unrest and Uncertainty


    Essays2 History, Culture

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ID number:179864
Published: 28.04.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Life in England and France in the 14th century was full of unrest and uncertainty. The late Middle Ages was a time of mass death caused by disease, war and famine. Life during this time was made less stable and prosperous due to many factors. First, England and France engaged in horrifying war. The Hundred Years' War was fought between England and France during the 14th century. The war, which was mainly a debate over land claims, led to problems not only economically, but also religiously. France and England supported different popes, which led to the elongation of the debate over the great schism. Along with this great war, a new horrific disease began to surface. The cause of the disease was unknown at the time, but many factors aided in the spreading of the bacteria. A climate change occurred in Europe, leading to the beginning of a famine. …

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