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ID number:264752
Published: 26.10.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Promotes critical thinking
Does technology in of itself promote critical thinking skills, or is it the way in which technology is taught that challenges a student to think? It is a combination of technology and teaching that makes this activity one that promotes critical thinking. This Word 97 activity challenges the student to think and provides the needed interaction to promote learning. The student has an objective and is learning a valuable tool that can open the door to many wonderful and creative journeys down their education high way.
Technology is a tool that when used correctly can cause a mind melt down of thinking. Just think about some computer games a student mindlessly sits in front of the screen in a virtual trance, but when a student is in the proper learning environment he can spend hours thinking and processing information, determined to obtain his objective. When an application is coupled with an objective the potential to think is endless.

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