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ID number:533953
Published: 25.07.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Similarities and Differences between Christianity and Islam]
The Muslim and Christian religions are two religions that share many concepts and beliefs while at the same time having major differences in some areas of faith. The Islamic religion was influenced in part by Christianity but developed into a very different practice with its own unique rituals, prayers, and beliefs. In the Muslim faith, their primary source of religious belief is the Qur'an, which was written by the prophet Muhammed in a series of revelations, which lasted for 23 years from about 610 CE to 622 CE. The similarities between the two religions begin by looking at the basic concepts of each religion. First, both are monotheistic and god is recognized as the creator who is omnipotent and all knowing.…

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