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ID number:993304
Published: 02.04.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

In conclusion, I feel that abortion is the woman right. It is not morally wrong nor is it murder. The fetus is not a viable life at that stage. This is a very sensitive issue for me because I love children and I hate nothing more than to see these kids growing up by themselves with no support because the mothers did not want the children in the first place. I feel that these moral entrepreneurs need to take there beliefs and keep them to themselves. They cause more tension and disarray than they do well for the society. I do not see where the big controversy comes into play. Any rational adult has to see that an abortion is not murder. It is not even a small human when it comes out; it is only a little sack of fluids, nerves and cells. It is not anybodies place to decide if it is wrong except the person who is going through it.…

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