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  • Ideas about Development of poetry of Mikhail Lermontov According to Three Poems "Парус", "Узник", "И скучно и грустно"


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ID number:713986
Published: 03.01.2008.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Each author makes several steps in development of his own creation until he or she reaches highest point, approach his or hear own handwriting and ripe unique point of view towards the world. Almost every new poet starts its creative work in maximalism of youth, overtaken by ideas about ideals, better world and better human beings. In ones poetry often is shown some romantic hero, who is one alone against whole world and who is ready to fight almost with no matter who or what. Hero’s body is full with strength of youth and mind – full with ideals.
In following years poetry’s world mostly is viewed more realistically, from realistic point of view. First ideals are dead, probably some ideas about pointlessness of first ideals also appears. Some kind of maturity is reached.
And finally in most cases poetry develops to the next stage, when lyric hero is more experienced, more mature, he has serious opinion about whole world, in most cases – critical attitude towards everything. Sometimes lyric hero becomes sceptical and cynical. He had whole life experience, he knows a lot and he has his own conclusions about world, humans etc. Sometimes he has more critical attitude than he should, mostly for secure feeling, for feeling, that he is the smartest one and no accidents could unsettle him. …

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