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ID number:724933
Published: 20.04.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

PART I: Introduction
The relationship between human resource management and personnel management has been arguing for many years. The strongest argument among all the advocates is whether human resource management is the same as personnel management only with another name or it is different concept.
Some debates are as follow:
Approval perspectiveCritical perspective
Guest: its capacity to satisfy some key propositions such as 'strategy integration', 'high commitment', 'high quality' and 'flexibility'.
Pettigrew and Hendry: HRM is characterized by its close alignment elements with business strategy.
Storey: developed a model that set out four areas for analysis: belief and assumptions; strategic aspects; line management; key levers as major determinants of HRM practice. Legge: The underling value of personnel management and HRM differ little, and that organizational constrains may well make a truly integrated HRM approach highly impractical.

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