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ID number:409044
Published: 16.04.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Current research suggests that there may well be a link between infertility in women and Candida albicans, which is a yeast-like organism normally experienced as 'thrush' in the genital area or sometimes in mouth. If Candida albicans is present in guts, certain essential nutrients from food might not be absorbed into the body at all, which results vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
To overcome this problem, researchers suggest that cutting down on sugar and alcohol (which promote the growth of this yeast) can help. This is just one of the many fascinating areas of knowledge which mainstream medicine often misses.
The study of life, otherwise known as biology plays a key role in a rapidly changing world of science. One component of this is the biological ability to accommodate human natural instinct to pass on their genes into the gene pool of our population. Parents pass on their genes through their offspring and scientific methods aid in this. Science, particularly biology, has and will continuously develop to fulfil human needs and demands.

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