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ID number:719246
Published: 13.04.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The characters in "Grumpier Old Men," take it in their own hands to decide how they want to live their lives, despite their age. An example of this is Maria who chooses to achieve her goal to open an Italian restaurant. Another example is the romantic relationship that grows between Maria's mother and John' father. Yet, someone who would decide to let the aging overcome them would be grumpy old Max who until later in the movie has little ambitions and feels lonely. I feel that these depictions are accurate to real life situations. For instance, my grandmother is ninety one years old and despite her arthritis, attends church everyday, volunteers weekly at soup kitchens and makes every effort to attend family functions. Despite being a widow she always has a smile on her face and takes each day as it comes. However, her younger sister has a completely different outlook on life. …

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