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ID number:664594
Published: 01.12.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Cloning has been a very controversial topic since it affects the moral values of human beings and other living things alike. Cloning crops has been around since the 1950's in America, aiding the world with more livestock and agricultural needs at a cheap and rapid rate. Cloning is done by scientists taking an egg and removing its nucleus, the part that includes, among other things, the bulk of the DNA. Next, they remove the nucleus from a cell belonging to the adult that is to be cloned and insert it into the egg. The reconstructed egg is stimulated, either electrically or chemically, to trick it into behaving like a fertilized egg. If this is successful, the egg divides and becomes an embryo, which is then transferred into the uterus of a surrogate mother. Pregnancy then follows its normal course (Campbell 64)…

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