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  • How Far Does The Period 478-404 Bear Out The Contention That "Spartan Policy Is Always Governed Mainly By The Necessity Of Taking Precautions Against The Helots"?


    Essays3 History, Culture

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ID number:272458
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

How Far Does The Period 478-404 Bear Out The Contention That
"Spartan Policy Is Always Governed Mainly By The Necessity Of
Taking Precautions Against The Helots"?
During the period 478-404BC Sparta was considered to be one of
the leading states in all of Hellas. Spartas policies have been questioned by
many ancient historians including Thucydides himself and it could be
argued that some of Spartas policies did have alterior motives and reasons
but was Spartan policy always governed mainly by the necessity of taking
precautions against the Helots?
A Greek tribe called the Dorians who had p…

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