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  • Hebrew Hollywood: The Kabbalah Takeover Has Begun - A Look at Kabbalah in the Media and how It Has Got a Hold over Celebrities Such as Madonna and Demi Moore


    Essays2 Religion

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ID number:348889
Published: 24.04.2006.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Almost every week a new celebrity is seen either entering or leaving. Aging pop stars, the hottest new starlet and everyone in between is doing it. Many claim it is life changing and it helps them to be a "better person". Some have even gone as far as to donate millions to the cause. No, it's the not the celeb charity du jour or hippest night club. It is the Kabblah Centre, the hottest celebrity spirituality movement since Scientology and just as cultish.
The Kabbalah Centre is an organization devoted to teaching contemporary interpretations of Kabbalah, or Jewish Mysticism. …

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