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ID number:337329
Published: 01.12.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The French and Indian war, a war that had assembled the largest number of troops ever, was caused by more than a hundred years of rivalry between the two countries, had several consequences on the British Empire, and impacted the colonies greatly. When the fire of the French and Indian war was blown out, another match was dropped, starting another war.
The main causes of the French and Indian war also known as the Seven Years war, was due to the constant hostility of the two large Empires. Although peace was kept surprisingly well, at the beginning of colonization in the New World, the Ohio River brought upon a new battle. Not only the French and English wanted control of the Ohio River Valley, but the Native Americans who were living there also believed that it was rightfully their land. …

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