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  • Filing a Discrimination Complaint


    Essays1 Law

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ID number:277588
Published: 25.08.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is a government agency, which exists to protect us all from employment discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, retaliation, age and disability. Individuals who feel their employer has discriminated against them for any of these reasons have the right to file a complaint through the EEOC. This paper will outline this complaint process and attempt to explain the civil litigation that may follow if the EEOC, through arbitration and mediation cannot settle a complaint.
According to the EEOC website, (, 2003) the first step in processing a complaint through the EEOC is to contact an EEO counselor before even filing a complaint. This contact needs to take place within forty-five days of the matter alleged to be discriminatory. The counselor is responsible for providing counseling to the individual making the complaint on how the EEO process works. The EEO counselor then has thirty days from the date the individual made contact with the Equal Employment Office to provide in writing to the individual his rights and responsibilities in the EEO complaint process.

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