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ID number:388810
Published: 10.10.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Not only is a mountain bike an essential part of daily life, is also an important factor to the future of Alaska. Vehicular traffic requires a fuel of some sort which is shipped through leaking pipelines, and accident prone tankers. Mountain bikes are powered by the human body, an efficient pollution free engine. Vehicular traffic requires large long wearing roads while a mountain bike needs only a small path. A mountain bike is not just a necessity, it is the obvious ecologically correct choice for short range transportation in Alaska.
Alaska is home to the most fragile ecosystem in the world, a tundra. The tundra is a frozen barren land much of the year. However during the short summer it is home to some of the most beautiful and delicate wild flowers and grasses in the world. Roads crossing this tundra leave deep scars in the land, Scars which will not disappear for thousands of years. Narrow superficial scars are the only damage done by mountain bikes. Superficial scars such as these are not only easier to repair but easier to maintain as well. Roads require continual upkeep such as resurfacing, smoothing and removal of snow. This upkeep only worsens the impact on Alaska's ecosystem. Riding a mountain bike is my effort to preserve as much of Alaska as possible.…

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