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ID number:229104
Published: 11.07.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The Egyptians are religious and industrious They start the game with Masonry and Ceremonial Burial and build war chariots instead of normal chariots
Few civilizations have left such an indelible mark on history as that of ancient Egypt Though the first settlers of the Nile valley are thought to have arrived as early as 7000 BC, it wasn't until the legendary king Menes unified Upper and Lower Egypt that the region began to develop a cohesive sense of culture and identity This First Dynasty (2925-2775 BC), with its capital at Memphis, was followed by 26 more over the next 2700 years Writing was the major instrument in the centralization and self-preservation of Egypt The two basic forms of writing, hieroglyphs and the cursive form known as hieratic (used on papyrus), were invented at much the same time in late pre-dynastic Egypt (about 3000 BC). Writing was used chiefly for administration and until about 2650 BC no continuous texts were recorded, the only literary texts written down before the early Middle Kingdom (1950 BC) seem to have been lists of religious practices and medical treatises.…

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