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ID number:779366
Published: 17.11.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

TV violence
"The relationship between violence on the screen and violence in real life is extremely complicated. But while the relationship may not be that of direct cause and effect, we must bear it in mind. Violent programmer may depress some people, shock others, de-sensitize some and encourage imitation by a few." (BBC Handbook-Guidelines for T.V Producers Regarding Violence and Censorship)
The media is all around us and for this reason I feel it is inevitable that it will have some sort of effect on us. Television is the most popular and accessible form of media; everybody has at least one television set in their home. It is also said to be the most vivid portrayer of the world. Screen violence is a term given to violence seen in television programmers, videos and cinema; basically any violence viewed on a screen. What causes a problem when debating screen violence is how we define and measure violence, as different people have different interpretations of what is violent? Some kinds of 'violent' activity are labeled as 'violent' others as 'war heroism'.
Everybody interprets and responds to the media in different ways. …

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