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ID number:358012
Published: 07.10.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Individuals are often faced with situations where the discourse being practiced is unfamiliar to them. What gives rise to this feeling of uncertainty and discomfort? When people enter the world as infants, they are born into a specific discourse, usually their nationality or location of birth. But as we grow older and gain new experiences, we are confronted with various other discourses and we acquire an additional set of discourses. James Paul Gee and Brian Street may not completely agree with the previous statement mentioned, yet through the use of David Bartholomae and Paulo Freire's argument, I will reveal the plausibility of an individual to fully acquire and possess multiple discourses. It is to be noted that there are certain procedures that an individual can elect in order to attain full fluency in a given discourse; being able to participate in a specific discourse does not arrive in an instant.…

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