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ID number:951463
Published: 07.12.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Gaius Julius Caesar was a superior leader who stood above the rest even after his untimely death. He was both an intellectual and courageous. These characteristics gave him an early lead in his political life. He not only changed the lives of Romans of his time, but also left his imprint on the world for centuries to come.
Being an intelligent and very well educated man, it was not difficult for Caesar to gain respect and notoriety. As an orator and politician, military general, writer and statesman he excelled. He studied both Greek and Latin literature as well as philosophy and, most importantly, rhetoric. Even at an early age, Caesar had shown a natural talent for the art of persuasive argument. He started his political career at the early age of twenty-two. (Isenburg, 24) Everyone could see that he was a gifted writer with a clear and simple style. …

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