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ID number:935184
Published: 29.09.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

On a hot summer, several years ago, I went on vacation to a beautiful place. There I was able to see the must impressive experience of my live. Driving through a narrow curvy road decorated by weeds and colorful wild flowers, I felt as if I was in paradise. On one side a mountain with green and dense tall virgin vegetation, that looked as if they were growing into the clouds. Contrasted by the other side of the road with a steep rocky cliff leading to the deep blue sea crashing on to the rocks foaming and splashing. As I continued driving around this mountain, at the bottom I arrived at the most beautiful scenery one could even imagine. I found the must primitive place. A place you only see in movies. A place that I didn't think could even exist.
"Barahona is a region dominated by a rural and mountainous landscape. …

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