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  • As Needs Evolve, the Law Revolves: A Study of Discrimination Laws in the United States


    Essays4 Law

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ID number:413040
Published: 12.01.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

As Needs Evolve, the Law Revolves
As societal norms change, the laws of this land eventually must change as well. "Political correctness," a term coined and harbored upon, insists that persons are not referred to or defined by unacceptable terminology or previously conventional stereotypes. Laws that have been enacted based on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 still today undergo scrutiny as society's acceptance of newer forms of parity are recognized.
Over the last century, humankind has made significant increases in the fight against discrimination. Pioneers such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luthe…

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