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ID number:913987
Published: 16.07.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Robotic technology is used in many operations and its demand is very high. In 1999, the growth rate of robotic industry was 20% worldwide and in America, it was 60% compared to 1998. In the last 20 years robotic industry has become multi billionaire industry and its growth rate is very high due to its many applications in manufacturing and automotive industry (Jan Karlsson, 2001. p119, 124.). Robots perform many industrial operations and they are used to increase production, improve quality, and reduce labor. Although the function of robots are very complicated and need good skills, they are used in many in industrial operations to perform different operation in the following ways: welding, painting, presswork, and heat treatment. To understand the robotic technology we have to know about the robots its functions and different applications of robots. Finally, we need to learn about how much robots are economical in different industrial operations and their future developments in different fields.…

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