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  • An Experiment to Find out If the Emotional Fluctuation Was Reflected in Biological Responses


    Essays4 Pedagogy, Psychology

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ID number:645239
Published: 03.12.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The model of the computer used in the experiments was quite outdated. The electrodes sensors that were used to measure the skin conduction level were hand made. The poor quality of the apparatus might lead to the picking up of invalid information.
Stimulus 1 and stimulus 2 were designed in a way that the subject would not be able to identify the difference between them just by looking at the cover page. Stimulus 2 (the obscene magazine) was created by taping an obscene magazine into an ordinary fashion magazine. Thus, the thickness and weight of stimulus 2 was relatively different from the other "Fashion and Beauty" magazine. The subject might notice the difference between the two stimuli when stimuli 1 was being taken away and stimuli were given to him. His possible suspicion of the second stimuli might affect his pulse rate and his skin conduction rate.
Due to the time limit and the original design of the experiment, the number of participants was fairly small. We were able to ask only one of our classmates to participate in the experiment. It was difficult to conclude that the responses of our subject would be the general responses of the other participants. Since, we only limit our experiment to one subject, it would not be possible to identify the gender as well as age difference between different subjects.

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