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ID number:464680
Published: 25.05.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Mary Reibey, born Mary Haydock, may not be one of the most recognised Australian icons, but in her lifetime certain achieved many great accomplishments. She came out to Australia as a convict on the ship "The Royal Admiral" after being convicted of stealing a horse and being sentenced to seven years in Australia. She arrived in Sydney in October 1792 and two years later was married to Thomas Reibey (An Irish officer on the "Britannia") whom she met on her voyage out to Australia, this however is questionable as new evidence suggests that they did not come over on the same boat but instead meet thorough Major Francis Grose. This marriage to a free man meant that she was considered to be a free woman. After her husband's death in 1811, Mary was left not only to run her family of seven children but also his quite profitable import business.…

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