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ID number:472506
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Until recently, there were some areas of the world that had remained fairly unaffected by AIDS. Today, there is not a single country in the world which has totally escaped the AIDS epidemic. As the epidemic has grown, a few of the developed nations which were affected most in the 80's such as the United States have reported a slowing in the rate of new infections and a stabilization among existing cases with lower mortality rates. However, despite ever-changing global AIDS pandemic, one issue has remained unchanged; no region of the world bears a higher AIDS-related burden than sub-Saharan Africa. I will examine the demographic effects of AIDS in Africa, focusing on the most affected countries of sub-Saharan Africa and consider the present and future impact of the AIDS epidemic on major issues such as fertility, mortality, life expectancy, gender, age, and family structure.…

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