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  • About Raisin in the Sun and Summary


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ID number:104469
Published: 21.09.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

"A Raisin in the Sun" is a film about a black family living in cramped quarters in an inner-city neighborhood struggling with the effects of racism and the tensions brought on by their plans to move to a single family home in an all white neighborhood. It also shows their efforts to better their situation. The women in this film are strong role models: the mother for a strong and nurturing head of her family; the wife for a loving wife; and the daughter for a black woman determined to be a doctor.
The Youngers' lives are changed when Big Walter dies and leaves Lena $10,000 from his life insurance policy. Walter Lee (the son) had plans for the money to invest in a liquor store but Lena (the mother) said some of the money will go towards Beneatha's (the daughter) medical school and then part will be used to pay down on a two-story house. The Younger household is overworked with unbelievable tension. …

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