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  • A Term Paper Outlining how Robert Mugabe Has Changed Zimbabwe from a Prosperous Nation to One in Ruins


    Essays4 History, Culture

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ID number:156963
Published: 08.01.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Zimbabwe is a nation which has been plagued with injustice for decades. The blacks were mistreated and discriminated against under British colonial rule, which necessitated a regime change. Following this Robert Mugabe was a central and necessary figure in the reconstruction of Zimbabwe, then called Rhodesia. However, in the early years of power, he was an excellent leader, and only when power began to corrupt him did the nation fall to where it is today. Such corruption forced him to seek absolute power, and go down the brutal pathway to dictatorship, with which the country is presently run. Once the inevitable regime change which is bound to happen takes place, debt forgivance should be a key factor in restructuring, in order to allow for spending on social programs. Another key figure in this paradigm shift should be the United Nations. Not only to build up the government, but also to help establish order in this nation, hampered by bad leadership. Since his inception to power, Robert Mugabe is hampering the once prosperous nation of Zimbabwe, and only when he is removed from power will Zimbabwe be able to recover and regain its place in the world.
Rhodesia was indeed a very profitable nation, and was undoubtedly at the time the richest nation in Africa. …

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