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  • A letter to Utterson explaining what has been going on concerning Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


    Essays2 Literature

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ID number:855549
Published: 31.01.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

16 Centre Field Road
23rd November -
My dear friend Utterson,
I write to you of a morbid affair of honour and of reason that has afflicted both the likes of our dear friend the late Doctor Lanyon and myself to a degree of incalculable lament. It is time the likes of my immoral research and the tempestuous Mr. Hyde were palliated for my distress can no longer be confined to my liking. Yet I admit it is this knowledge that killed Lanyon and blackened to no exaggeration his soul.
My nature forbade me to carry out the true hyperbolic side of my character, a terrible shackle upon my soul…

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