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ID number:173994
Published: 08.08.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The Pacific Supermarkets case raises the issues of retaining good performers, human resource planning, or lack thereof, along with other issues of recruitment and selection.
The outline of the case is such that the regional manager, Ms. Susan Chapman, has become aware that Mr. Phillip Bailey, her top district supervisor, has accepted an appointment with Safeway through reading the announcement in the newspaper.
After talking with Mr. Bailey, Ms. Chapman has decided to transfer one of the other supervisors from a smaller district into Mr. Bailey's district and begin a search for someone else to fill the smaller district supervisory vacancy. Ms. Chapman has only a job description as a guideline for recruitment and selection as she has no job specification.
The purpose of this report is to identify the main flaws in the existing human resource procedures and recommend alternative solutions.

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