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  • A critical analysis of the sonnet by Sir Thomas Wyatt beginning "My galley charged with Forgetfulness" and of The sonnet by Samuel Daniel entitled "Care-charmer Sleep".


    Essays3 Literature

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ID number:550691
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The Renaissance period brought a revival to all forms of the arts, including that of literature. Poetry became a way for writers to display their skill with language as they artistically sculpted the words and lines of their poems. Poetry at this time followed strict forms that gave the structure within which the poet can operate. One such form that became very popular throughout the Renaissance period was the sonnet. This form was very widely used, and two poets who became popular partially for their sonnets are Sir Thomas Wyatt, and Samuel Daniel.
Thomas Wyatt was one of the first from E…

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