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  • A Case Study of Bombardier with SWOT, Internal and External Elements which Add to the Company Success


    Essays6 Economics, Business

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ID number:276577
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Final Analysis and Recommendations:
BBD incorporates a decentralized decision making structure to ensure that its functional groups can respond quickly to future threats and opportunities. As seen from the fluctuating airline industry, this ability is necessary and should be continued. BBD, focused primarily on the transport industry must maintain the highest safety standards, as any failure of their products would have grave implications in terms of consumer confidence loss and potential lawsuits. As such, BBD should continue to meet the highest national and international safety guidelines. Information is an important aspect to BBD's strategies and the implementation of ERP and PMO will allow managers to minimize risk in relation to stakeholders and carry out their own operations more efficiently. BBD's past reliance on BA revenue has since been remedied with greater revenue from BT. BBD has also cut expenses through its concentrating strategy, which lowers funding to other functional groups. However, BBD still must prove that it can regain consumer confidence and profitability in the long run. Using the expected revenue from its equity financing and spinoffs, and applying the majority of their provided cash flows to repay liabilities would aid in this effort. The Chinese and Russian markets should be pursued aggressively. However, in regards to Russia, this aggressiveness should be tempered with caution due to the country's instability in terms of its economic policy. Domestic contracts are difficult to secure due to lack of financing. BBD should lobby the Canadian government to provide domestic financing, which would increase Canadian revenue and lower BBD's exposure to fluctuating exchange rates.

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