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ID number:694939
Published: 07.12.2010.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 7 units
References: Not used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Introduction    4
  Problem statement    4
  Delimitation    5
  Methodology    5
  Business overview    7
  Current position    7
  Competitive advantage    7
  Growth plan    7
  Business strategy    7
  Tactics    8
  Strategic issues    8
  Marketing analysis    9
  SWOT Analysis    9
  Royal Unibrew    9
  A. Le Coq    13
  PEST Analysis    15
  Financial analysis    23
  Forecast    26
  Risk analysis    26
  Conclusion    27
  List of sources and literature    29
  Appendixes    30

Even though the company wants to increase its market share in Baltic market, we are not going to base our analyses on the Baltic region as a whole, but will only focus on the Estonian market. Such decision has been made because we came to conclusion that those are independent countries with independent economical situations and do not have direct influence on one another (meaning that if, for example, sales increase/ decrease in one county, it doesn`t mean it will happen in the other country).
Even though Royal Unibrew produces all type of drinks (for example, beer, soft drinks, juices), we are going to focus only on beer market and beer consumption. We are not going to take in consideration the non-alcoholic beverages.
In this project we are going to investigate if that is a good idea and if that is possible for Royal Unibrew to make acquisition of the Estonian brewing company A. Le Coq, which belongs to the Finnish company Olvi Group.

In the beginning, we are going to collect some data as a source of information about the current situation on the Estonian market (external analysis) and general information about beer consumption of the Estonians. We are going to base it on qualitative data rather than quantitative, because in our case it is extremely important that the figures are true, that they are valid and represent the changes in the market and company.…

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