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ID number:753215
Published: 09.12.2010.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 23 units
References: Used
Time period viewed: 2009.g. - 2010.g.
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
Preface    2
  Table of content    3
1.1  Executive summary    5
Marketing    7
2.1  Marketing concept    7
2.2  Values    7
2.3  Nike: Take it to the next level    8
2.4  The Sun Life Stadium    8
2.5  Mission Statement    8
2.6  Partnership with Nike    9
2.6.1  Implementation    9
2.6.2  Agreements    10
2.6.3  Conclusion/ franchise agreement    10
2.7  Definition of the Market    11
2.7.1  Market Segmentation    11
2.7.2  Overnight Visitors to Greater Miami and the Beaches    11
2.7.3  Overnight Visitors to Greater Miami and the Beaches    12
2.7.4  Overnight Visitors to Miami North-Dade    12
2.7.5  Segments    13
2.7.6  Conclusion    14
2.8  SWOT analysis    15
2.8.1  Strengths    15
2.8.2  Weaknesses    15
2.8.3  Opportunities    16
2.8.4  Threats    19
2.8.5  Conclusion    20
2.9  Competitor analysis    20
2.10  Marketing Mix    21
2.10.1  Product    21
2.10.2  Price    24
2.10.3  Promotion    25
2.10.4  Place    28
2.11  Pre-opening party    30
2.11.1  Invitation list    30
2.11.2  Program    31
2.11.3  Finance plan    31
Operational Management    32
3.1  Floor Plan    32
3.2  Organization & Management    33
3.2.1  Explanation of chart    33
3.2.2  Staff requirements    34
3.2.3  Training for the staff    35
3.3  Management contract    35
3.3.1  White label Management contract    35
3.4  Legal structure    35
3.5  Property management system    36
3.6  Permits and Licenses    36
3.7  Insurances    37
Finance    37
4.1  Opening balance sheet    37
4.2  Operating budget    38
4.2.1  Forecast (goals)    39
4.3  Cash budget    40
4.4  Ending balance sheet    43
4.5  Ratios    45
4.5.1  Conclusion    47
Sources    48

The report deals with the concept of a new Hotel in the Miami Dade County in Florida. The report includes a concept and a mission statement which describe the general idea of the hotel.
Furthermore the report includes a market analysis which analyzes the market share of the new hotel by taking a look at the existing hotel and their performance. In addition to that it includes a competitor analysis which takes a look at all the competitors in the surrounding in terms of distance to the stadium, distribution channels, room rates, guest reviews and rating. Accompanying with that the report analyses the needs of the hotel’s potential guests.
Besides that the report outlines a SWOT analysis which analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the hotel. The marketing mix takes a look at the product itself, the place (where it is actually located and also the distribution channels), the promotion of the hotel and also at the prices for the hotel.
The next part of the report deals with the organizational and staffing process of the Hotel. This section offers its readers information about the amount of employees working, their wages and their amount of working hours. It also takes a look at the pre opening staffing.
The last but the most relevant part of this report it the financial part. It includes an opening balance sheet, and operating budget, a cash flow and a closing balance sheet at the end of the first year. To offer the investors and owners a clear picture of the financial situation the report includes several ratios which outline the operation’s performance in terms of Liquidity, Solvency, Activity, Profitability and operating performance.…

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