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ID number:511010
Published: 12.04.2021.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Step #1: Roasting and Winnowing the Cocoa
The first thing that chocolate manufacturers do with cocoa beans is roast them.

Step #2: Grinding the Cocoa Nibs
Grinding is the process by which cocoa nibs are ground into " cocoa liquor", which is also known as unsweetened chocolate or cocoa mass.

Step #3: Blending Cocoa liquor and molding Chocolate
After the mixing process, the blend is further refined to bring the particle size of the added milk and sugar down to the desired fineness.
The Cocoa powder or 'mass' is blended back with the butter and liquor in varying quantities to make different types of chocolate or couverture.
The basic blends with ingredients roughly in order of highest quantity first are as follows:

Milk chocolate
milk or milk powder
cocoa powder
cocoa liquor
cocoa butter
Lethicin and Vanilla

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