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  • Choose what You Believe to Be the Three most Convincing Reasons why Appeasement Was the Diplomatic Option of Choice in 1938


    Essays2 History, Culture

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ID number:500411
Published: 08.06.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

In conclusion, I believe that appeasement was the diplomatic option of choice in 1938. Firstly, memories of the First World War contributed to the use of appeasement, many countries were still sufferring economically and socially from the war and did not want another war to begin anytime soon. Secondly, there was a Communist threat that had arised and many conservative politicians viewed Stalin as the greater of the two totalitarian evils as the Holocaust had not yet occurred. Both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany built huge "empires" which came into conflict with the "free world", and Allied forces led by the Soviet Union and the United States (amongst others) liberated Germany on V-E Day. Lastly, The Treaty of Versailles imposed many restrictions on Germany's internal affairs, which were later on widely viewed by the Allied nations as being unfair to Germany. Many people, especially on the left of the political spectrum, argued that German re-armament, the re-occupation of the Rhineland and the acquisition of the Saarland were merely examples of the Germans taking back what was rightfully theirs.…

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