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ID number:694956
Published: 01.11.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

There are many nursing homes today that do not always meet the needs of the residents that occupy them and often violate many ethical standards of proper living for people. Some homes have been found to exploit people financially, ignore proper medical care, and engage in a variety of residential abuses. After my research, I truly believe what separates 'good' nursing homes from those who are involved in unethical practices is based upon individual morals, community involvement, and religious guidance. At the Lutheran Home for the Aging, I found the staff to be incredibly friendly and competent in the performance of their job detail. I was also impressed by the professionalism of the social worker I interviewed in regard to her job and the stress and frustration that comes with it. The nursing home was very involved with the community for rehabilitative purposes for the residents, and provided a learning experience for a wide range of volunteers that take time out of their lives to help others. The Home has been a clinical site for interns in therapy and social services as well. Although the institution is based upon the ' spirit of Christian caring,' the Home for the Aging does not discriminate from other races. There is a Chaplain available to the residents and staff for counseling and spiritual support. Bible classes are offered as well as Sunday Lutheran services, weekly communion, and monthly Catholic services.…

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