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ID number:618120
Published: 14.09.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

*Inspired by Enlightenment ideals, the people of Latin America rebelled against Spanish & Portuguese rule in the early 19th century. Rebels in the Spanish colonies waged a series of hand-fought military campaigns to gain their independence, while Brazil carried out a peaceful revolution to free itself from Portugal
*From 1814-15, the Congress of Vienna, which was organized by Prime Minister Metternich of Austria, met to discuss the future of European politics
*The main goals at the Congress at Vienna included:
oA relation of the monarchy in France and a return to old ways of governing people.
oAttempts to limit the spread of ideals about democracy. Although constitutional monarchies were permissible, absolute monarchies were preferred.

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