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ID number:927865
Published: 21.06.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Why psychologist stressed the importance of attachment behaviors in development? Many theorists agree that social contact early in a child's life is important for healthy personality development. This is the most important relationship of the child's development. As it is from best that the child derives its confidence in the world. A break from this relationship is experience is highly distressing in constitutes a considerable trauma [Schaffer 1964]. Through social and emotional exchanges with parents the infant not only defines itself, but also requires a particular style and orientation to some researchers believe is carried over into later life [Sroufe 1978]. Therefore, the relationship between infant and its care Gerber as development is one that has generated much interested developmental psychologist. John Bowlby [1958, 1968] afford a comprehensive account of attachment emboli that the incident mother instinctively trigger each other's behavior to form attachment bond. Attachment and therefore be defined as the ability to form focused, permanent and emotionally meaningful relationships with specific others [Butterworth and Harris 1994]. In child psychology, attachment is often restricted to her relationship between particular social figures and to particular phenomenon known to reflect unique characteristics of the relationship [Santrock and Bartlett 1986].This essay will attempt to examine the role in importance of attachment behaviors in development.…

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