  • "When Good Men Do Nothing"- various forms of evil present in various character in the story of Billy Budd.


    Essays2 Literature

Published: 06.05.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays '"When Good Men Do Nothing"- various forms of evil present in various character i', 1.
  • Essays '"When Good Men Do Nothing"- various forms of evil present in various character i', 2.

Title: When Good Men Do Nothing
Stanley Benn discussed several types of wickedness in his essay Wickedness. Malignant wickedness strives for evil simply because it is evil; self-centered wickedness promotes a person's self interest at the expense of others; conscientious wickedness pursues certain values ruthlessly without proper consideration of other merited values. Benn's opinion differs from Socrates on the topic of malignant evil. Benn regards malignant evil as an innate trait that could not be reformed, while all other types of evil could be cured through proper education and more ra…

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