  • One hundred Years of solitude- by Gabrial Garcia Marquez- this paper discusses the repitition of life patterns in the Buendia family.


    Essays2 Literature

Published: 15.04.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'One hundred Years of solitude- by Gabrial Garcia Marquez- this paper discusses t', 1.
  • Essays 'One hundred Years of solitude- by Gabrial Garcia Marquez- this paper discusses t', 2.

One hundred Years of solitude
The village Mocondo is founded by the fated cousins Ursula and Jose Arcadio Buendia who are escaping from the past. In the beginning the "village [is] truly happy" (pg. 18), yet as children, and then grandchildren come, patterns become apparent. The Buendia family blindly follows the mistakes of their ancestors, forgetting their past, living in and seeking solitude, and never feeling true love. JAB (Jose Arcadia Buendia) has dreams of "infinite rooms" (pg. 136) where he walks through the same room over and over, but is never able to interpret this dream as a…

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