  • People who Speak Different Languages Live in Different Worlds


    Essays1 Philisophy

Published: 18.05.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'People who Speak Different Languages Live in Different Worlds', 1.
  • Essays 'People who Speak Different Languages Live in Different Worlds', 2.

Language is a group of symbols, letters, and words, sentences, where each of them stands for something else. Letters stand for pronounced sounds, words symbolize particular objects and sentences are arrangements of the different symbols. Language is a way of communication between people and in fact it is a tool of our brain which enables people to think. Without language it would not be possible to express what you know, what you feel, and what you think. Language is actually one way of knowing. All languages can in fact be divided into two groups, first – the languages that are used in everyday communication, for example, Latvian and English languages. The second group is the languages that have been artificially created for use in a particular area of knowledge, for instance, Mathematics and Chemistry. As knowledge of all the possible languages is not naturally given to any people, languages must be acquired and lack of language skills can serve as a serious barrier in communication between two persons speaking different languages, but is the barrier so major that it may be assumed that people speaking different languages live in different worlds?
Each language includes symbols for the objects that people who use the language are acquainted to and are aware of. This is actually the reason why language might be considered to be all the time in development process. As new things appear and new objects are being discovered, need for symbols for identifying them are needed. For example, few centuries ago such object “computer’ did not exists. So did the term “computer”. As the scientists proceeded and invented the machine - “computer”, a term to symbolize it had to be made up. Not only new words appear in a language, but also some of the old ones disappear. …

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