Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Pledge in Schools', 1.
  • Essays 'Pledge in Schools', 2.

Opposition to the court's ruling has been overwhelming with the majority of Americans outraged with the decision - even the President called the decision "ridiculous". Opponents on Capitol Hill were most visible and outspoken. "After the ruling, U.S. House members gathered on the front steps of the Capitol to recite the pledge en masse - the same place they defiantly sang ' God Bless America' the night of the Sept. 11 attacks. And senators, who were debating a defense bill, angrily stopped to unanimously pass a resolution denouncing the decision." (Harrell PG 1) Yet people from all walks of life were upset. Court Fraley, a disabled Vietnam veteran, said he had fought hard for freedom of speech and if the Pledge was banned from school and other public places he'd go ballistic and adding "There is a wall in Washington D.C. (the Vietnam Memorial) with 57,000 names on it, and all 57,000 would go ballistic too, and that's just one war". (Harrell PG 2) Attorney General John Ashcroft stated, "The Justice Department will defend the ability of our nations' children to pledge allegiance to the flag by requesting a rehearing en blanc [full bench] by the 9th Circuit."…

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