  • A Defense of Cartesian Dualism from the Attacks of Modern Science


    Essays2 Philisophy

Published: 28.04.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'A Defense of Cartesian Dualism from the Attacks of Modern Science ', 1.
  • Essays 'A Defense of Cartesian Dualism from the Attacks of Modern Science ', 2.

Dualism has been given a rough ride. This theory, ascribed mainly to Descartes that the mind is separate from the body, has been justly rejected for many reasons. Descartes theory required the existence of a substance that was mind, as well as a theater in which the mind could view what it internally perceived. As our scientific understanding of how the brain functions to produce consciousness and hence the mind has increased, these two pictures of brain function have been rejected. Some theorist would be content to reject all aspects of dualism along with those which have been shown to be false. This I perceive is analogous to throwing out the baby with the bath water. There are many facets of Cartesian Dualism that are compatible with current discoveries in brain science. This essay will be devoted to the reconciliation of current scientific advancements in brain science with a dualistic version of consciousness.…

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